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  • Writer's pictureFreedom Press

Name Change Back in the Spotlight

As the 2022 school year comes to a close, there is a proposal from a citizen's group to restore the names of Stonewall Jackson High School and Ashby-Lee Elementary School to their original monikers. The proposal also indicates it would be financially covered entirely by private funds.

The original changes were said to be funded privately, but only about 10% of the $304,000 costs actually were privately funded. $268,000 was actually taken from savings from froen positions and special education savings as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic. That was money that should have either gone to improvements in the schools, to student activities, or returned to the county.

It's time to right this underhanded and misleading action by the former administration and school board. Speak out on Thursday night at the School Board Meeting. Our taxes are being driven up by people who undertake such actions.

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